Hello Sadness 2020 – Part 1-2

Anne wasn’t going to arrive for a week, so I made the most of the last days of real holiday. We had the villa for two months, but I knew once Anne arrived I wouldn’t be able to properly relax. Anne gave things an edge and was pedantic about things that me and dad would happily ignore. She decided what counted as good taste, what was worthwhile, and we learned about it from sudden changes in her… wounded silences… expressions… It could be interesting. But it was also tiring and humiliating because in the end she often had a point.

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Hello Sadness 2020 – Part 1-1

See an explanation for this project here.

Cold Open

I’m obsessed by a feeling. Boredom? Calm? Maybe I’d call it sadness. But that would be too beautiful and serious. The feeling I’m talking about is so selfish that I’m almost ashamed to feel it… and sadness always seemed to me to have a kind of honour. I’ve never felt it like this… and I’ve felt boredom, regret, even remorse. Today it folds over me like silk. Irritating. Separating me from them.

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